Preparing for the Wandering Adventures Escalation League
With June approaching and the Wandering Adventures escalation league getting closer many players old and new will be eager to build, paint, and field their respective armies against one another for the glory of being the best in the store. Let's look at how to prepare for the first 2 games at 1000 points.
1000 points

Building an army at 1000 points is going to be crucial, you will have to include enough units to fulfill a variety of roles. Thankfully, 10th edition is an edition where unit cost is relatively low. I would recommend including a unit that is able to grant sticky objectives (allowing a unit to claim an objective on your command phase, freeing up that unit to do other things). Aside from that one vehicle/monster unit or some form of anti-tank in order to be able to face off against the higher toughness & wounds units.
10th edition has a special emphasis on the characters you field on the board, whether they be named characters or generic ones. The LEADER keyword will dictate which units that character can lead as well as which benefits that leader can give the unit. For 1000 points I would not go Above 200 to 300 points maximum In character units, as it may deprive you of other more useful units. However characters offer good unit synergies, higher damage or even abilities like lone operative, which could force your enemy to commit their units to get into range and kill them. Each faction will have their own unique Leader combinations that you are free to discover and utilize in order to eliminate your enemies.
Monsters and Vehicles
Aside from infantry and mounted (bike) units, many factions have access to vehicles or monster units that tend to have high wounds, toughness and strength. When building A 1000 point list I would limit the cost on these units to 300 maximum similar to character costs, as I would prioritize infantry units to score primary or secondary mission actions, and contest the objective against your enemies. In regards to vehicles, armies also contain one or two transport vehicles which could shield your weaker units while getting them where they need to go. It should also be known that these larger units are more likely to be targeted by the enemy's anti-tank units, so make sure to think hard before choosing to move them.
I hope that this has been helpful, and that I get to go up against many unique and flavorful lists in the coming months!
By: Giovanni Raso