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Let's Revisit Warhammer Fantasy
Warhammer Fantasy was a tabletop miniature wargame created by Games Workshop. It was first released in 1983 and continued to be a popular game until 2015 when Games Workshop officially ended with The End Times. Soon after they launched Age Of Sigmar, which, while it was meant to scratch the Fantasy itch, it isn't quite the same. Let's take a look at Warhammer Fantasy and what made it so unique.
What Glue Should I Use? Glue Recommendations
In the world of wargaming and model building, different types of glue serve various purposes, and choosing the right one depends on the materials you're working with and the specific needs of your project. Here are some common types of glue used in wargaming and model assembly:
Synthetic vs Natural Brushes For Miniature Painting
As mini-painters, we have a lot of options out there at our disposable for tools that we get to use. From the numerous paint lines, to a plethora of brushes we are always considering whats works for us.
Today I wanted to look at the difference between synthetic vs natural brushes and whether or not it matters for mini-painting.
Adeptus Mechanicus: Belisarius Cawl And 10th Edition Look
With the 10th edition codex launching shortly for Adeptus Mechanicus, Wandering Adventures will look at their main character, Belisarius Cawl, and some points about the codex that should have you excited.
The Coolest Necron Characters
With the Necrons looking to take over 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, Games Workshop is going to release some resculpts of some of their popular characters. Let's take a quick dive into some of the more popular Necron Overlords:
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