The Ultimate Guide to Building Your First Blood Bowl Team

The Ultimate Guide to Building Your First Blood Bowl Team

Whether you're brand new to Blood Bowl or just need a refresher, building your first team can be a thrilling yet challenging experience. With so many options, skills, and strategies to consider, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But don't worry—this guide will walk you through the essential steps of creating your Blood Bowl team and getting ready for your first match!


1. Choosing Your Blood Bowl Race

The first and most important decision is selecting your team’s race. Each race has unique strengths, weaknesses, and playstyles. Here’s a quick rundown of all the Blood Bowl races:

  • Amazons: Agile and versatile, Amazons have Dodge on many players, making them harder to knock down. They're good at avoiding tackles but lack high strength.
  • Black Orcs: Tough and powerful, Black Orcs excel at grinding down opponents. They’re not the fastest, but they dominate in close combat.
  • Chaos Chosen: Known for their strength and potential, Chaos teams start with fewer skills but can develop into powerhouses over time.
  • Chaos Dwarfs: A blend of strength and agility, Chaos Dwarfs combine tough Dwarfs with faster Hobgoblins and the brute strength of Bull Centaurs.
  • Chaos Renegades: A diverse team with access to many skills and player types. They offer a unique challenge but can be unpredictable.
  • Dark Elves: Fast and agile, Dark Elves are excellent at both passing and running plays. They’re tougher than other elf teams but still relatively fragile.
  • Dwarfs: Tough, durable, and slow, Dwarfs excel in grinding opponents down. Their Block and Tackle skills make them great at taking down agile teams.
  • Elven Union: Highly agile and capable of making stunning plays, but they’re fragile and can struggle against bashy teams.
  • Goblin: Goblin teams are chaotic, fun, and tricky to play. They rely on secret weapons and crazy plays but are fragile and often outmatched in strength.
  • Halflings: Weak but surprisingly fun, Halflings rely on Treemen for strength and hope for the best. Great for players who enjoy a challenge and unexpected moments.
  • High Elves: A more resilient elf team, High Elves combine agility with decent armor, making them capable of handling both passing and running plays.
  • Humans: A well-rounded team, great for beginners. They offer a mix of speed, strength, and agility, making them versatile on the pitch.
  • Imperial Nobility: A blend of finesse and resilience, they have unique skills like Fend and Stand Firm, which make them tricky to play against.
  • Khorne: A new addition, Khorne teams bring an aggressive, bashy playstyle. They have high potential but lack starting skills, making them challenging to master.
  • Lizardmen: Combining powerful Saurus blockers with speedy Skinks, Lizardmen can dominate both bashy and agile teams if played correctly.
  • Necromantic Horror: With a mix of Werewolves, Ghouls, and Zombies, this team combines speed and strength with unique regeneration abilities.
  • Norse: Known for their aggression, Norse teams start with the Block skill on many players, allowing them to brawl effectively from the get-go.
  • Nurgle: A slow, tough team with disturbing skills that disrupt opponents. They excel at controlling the pitch and shutting down agile teams.
  • Ogres: Featuring mighty Ogres and fragile Snotlings, Ogre teams rely on brute strength and hope that their big guys perform when needed.
  • Orcs: Strong and durable, Orcs excel at bashing their way through opponents. They’re slower but can take hits and dish out serious damage.
  • Skaven: Extremely fast and agile, Skaven can score quickly. However, they’re fragile and can struggle if they get into a brawl.
  • Snotlings: A chaotic, low-cost team with many secret weapons and quirky players. They’re unpredictable and challenging to win with but can be fun to play.
  • Tomb Kings: A slow but powerful team with high-strength players like Mummies. They rely on careful positioning and brute force.
  • Underworld Denizens: A mix of Goblins, Skaven, and a Troll, this team combines agility with a bit of bash but can be unpredictable.
  • Vampires: A unique team with powerful Vampire players who need Thralls to support them. They have high potential but can be challenging to manage due to Bloodlust.
  • Wood Elves: Known for their agility and speed, Wood Elves are excellent at dodging and scoring touchdowns but have lower armor, making them more fragile.

Tip: If you’re unsure which race to pick, start with Humans or Orcs, as they offer a balanced experience that helps you learn the basics.

2. Understanding Team Roles

Every Blood Bowl team is made up of different player types, each with a specific role on the field:

  • Linemen: The backbone of your team, often cheaper and less specialized. They can hold the line and take hits.
  • Blitzers: Your main attackers, combining speed and strength to hit hard and move quickly.
  • Throwers: Skilled at passing the ball and crucial for setting up plays.
  • Catchers: Fast and agile, they’re your go-to players for scoring touchdowns.
  • Big Guys: Powerful, high-strength players like Trolls or Ogres, who can dominate on the field but are often unpredictable.

Tip: When starting, aim for a balanced team with a good mix of player types, rather than focusing too much on any one role.


3. Managing Your Starting Budget

In Blood Bowl, you start with a set budget of 1,000,000 gold pieces to build your team. Here’s how to allocate your funds wisely:

  • Players: Invest in essential positions like Blitzers and Throwers. Most starting teams will include 11 players, but consider adding a 12th if your race is prone to injuries (e.g., Skaven or Wood Elves).
  • Re-Rolls: These allow you to reattempt a failed roll and are incredibly valuable. Aim for 2-3 re-rolls when starting.
  • Apothecary: Helps prevent serious injuries to your key players. If your team is fragile, consider budgeting for one.
  • Fan Factor, Assistant Coaches, and Cheerleaders: These are optional but can be useful as your team progresses.

Example Starting Team: Human

  • 4 Blitzers
  • 2 Throwers
  • 2 Catchers
  • 3 Linemen
  • 3 Re-Rolls

4. Developing a Strategy

Your strategy will depend on the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen race. Here’s a basic guide:

  • Bashy Teams (e.g., Orcs, Dwarfs): Focus on eliminating opponents and controlling the pitch. Prioritize strength and durability.
  • Agile Teams (e.g., Wood Elves, Skaven): Use speed and agility to avoid contact, dodge tackles, and score quickly.
  • Balanced Teams (e.g., Humans): Adapt to the opponent’s strategy and exploit their weaknesses.

Tip: Practice makes perfect! Play a few games with your team to discover what works best for you.

5. Learning the Skills

Skills play a vital role in Blood Bowl and can drastically improve a player’s effectiveness. Some essential skills to consider:

  • Block: Reduces the chance of your player being knocked down when blocking, making it a must-have for Blitzers.
  • Dodge: Great for Catchers and agile players, this skill allows you to avoid tackles.
  • Sure Hands: Helps Throwers pick up the ball more reliably.
  • Mighty Blow: Ideal for bashy teams, this skill increases the chances of injuring your opponent.

Tip: Focus on developing your players' skills over time, especially as they earn experience from games.

6. Preparing for Your First Match

With your team built and your strategy in place, it’s time to hit the pitch! Here are a few final tips before your first game:

  • Read the Rules: Understanding the core mechanics of Blood Bowl will make your games smoother and more enjoyable.
  • Stay Flexible: Be prepared to adapt your strategy as the game unfolds. Blood Bowl is unpredictable, and even the best-laid plans can go awry.
  • Have Fun: Blood Bowl is as much about storytelling and epic moments as it is about winning. Enjoy the experience and the camaraderie of the game.

Ready to Start Your Blood Bowl Journey?

Wandering Adventures has everything you need to start your Blood Bowl adventure. Visit us in-store or online to find the perfect miniatures, paints, and accessories for your new team.

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