2023 Year in Review

40k, adeptus mechanicus, age of sigmar, ak interactive, chaos space marines, citadel paint, Dungeons and Dragons, flesh and blood, games workshop, gta, kill team, Lord of the Rings, miniature gaming, miniature painting, miniatures, painting, Space Marines, tabletop gaming, toronto, trading card games, vallejo, vaughan, Wandering Adventures, warhamer, Warhammer, woodbridge -

2023 Year in Review

Hey adventurers!

I wanted to thank every one of you for an amazing 2023. Being only our second year in business, I am so proud of the community that we have developed here and I look forward to continuing our growth together. Thank you all for letting me be part of your adventure!

I wanted to take take a quick snapshot of the fun we've had over the year:

40K and AoS Escalation leagues- Our most demanding event yet, it ran over 9 months and included Hero Hammer games, painting competitions, Doubles games, and many, many, many 1v1 matches. We had some winners, but I hope you all enjoyed it. We are planning on changing the format for next year, so be on the lookout!


Kill Team Narrative- With the help of an amazing community, we ran a ridiculously fun Kill Team Narrative campaign. Now, it came with some bumps as the system for Kill Team has some issues, but I am super excited to run it again in 2024. Check out the new campaign HERE if you are interested in joining.

The Introduction of Flesh and Blood- The community here is mainly tabletop wargamers, with miniatures and painting. However, it's impossible to ignore the TCG side of things. Originally, we tried out MTG, and it has quite a few hurdles for a small store like ours to get through in order to properly host it. So I reached out the creators of Flesh and Blood, and boy did they deliver. They regularly supply us with loot to give out, and have created a game that is easy to navigate at first, but very nuanced to master.


Paints, and More Paints- Personally, I'm a big fan of painting miniatures. I love most aspects of it (not building), and I love exploring the various lines of paint and supplies that are on offer. Currently, we carry Citadel Paint, GSW Paint, Formula P3 Paint, AK Interactive Enamels, some Pro Acryl sets, and all of the new Vallejo paints. They are all very good, and have different uses for different painters, so if you ever need some painting advice or want to chat colors, please come by!


40K 10th Edition- Leviathan was a huge release this year. Games Workshop tore down the walls of the 9th edition, and completely revamped their game system with 10th edition. After some initial shakiness, it seems like it has been for the better of the game. Rules are more streamlined, new models are coming in like crazy, armies are being refreshed and there is so much excitement about the future of the game. We had an amazing midnight release here at the store too!



Notable mentions:

-Meeting new people!
-This newsletter!



Thanks for the great year everyone, looking forward to the next adventure! See you in 2024!


Wandering Adventures
7766 Martin Grove Rd
Woodbridge, Ont

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