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40k, age of sigmar, ak interactive, army painter, games workshop, greater toronto, gta, miniature gaming, miniature painting, miniatures, painting, tabletop gaming, toronto, Wandering Adventures, Warhammer, woodbridge -

A lot of customers ask me "Mike, do you zenithal prime? and my answer, these days, is always a resounding yes! Today we will dive in a bit and explore zenithal priming, why it's useful, and why you should do it even if you don't want to necessarily use the effect. Β  Zenithal priming is a painting technique used in miniature or model painting, particularly in the context of tabletop gaming miniatures. The term "zenithal" refers to the highest point in the sky, directly above an observer. Zenithal priming involves applying primer to a miniature from a specific angle to...

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40k, age of sigmar, ak interactive, army painter, brushes, citadel paint, games workshop, gta, miniature gaming, miniature painting, miniatures, painting, tabletop gaming, toronto, Wandering Adventures, warhamer, Warhammer, woodbridge -

Whether you spent money on an expensive, or like to use multiple cheaper ones, keeping your brushes in good shape is always important. Taking care of miniature brushes is essential to ensure their longevity and optimal performance.

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40k, dark angels, games workshop, gta, kill team, miniature gaming, miniature painting, miniatures, Space Marines, tabletop gaming, toronto, vaughan, Wandering Adventures, Warhammer, warhammer 40k, woodbridge -

Games Workshop is about to bring The Dark Angels to 10th Edition with a beautiful new box set. Let's take a look at the box set and most importantly their history within the 40K Universe.

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flesh and blood, gta, miniature gaming, tabletop gaming, trading card games, vaughan, Wandering Adventures, woodbridge -

With two Armory events this month, a growing community and a new expansion around the corner we wanted to look at what is coming with Flesh and Blood's next set: Heavy Hitters.

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