Warhammer 40K: The Dark Angels
Games Workshop is about to bring The Dark Angels to 10th Edition with a beautiful new box set. Let's take a look at the box set and most importantly their history within the 40K Universe.
"The greatest exemplars amongst the mysterious and unyielding Dark Angels are the Deathwing. Each a skilled veteran, they are led by heroes of a thousand battles, clad in Terminator armour and hefting powerful weapons taken from the Chapter’s most sacred armouries.
Belial, Grand Master of the Deathwing, commands 15 Terminators. Ten of these are existing mulit-part Terminators, accessorised in classic Deathwing style with two new Dark Angels upgrade frames, while the other five are the indomitable Deathwing Knights, unstoppable juggernauts armed with mighty heirloom weapons.
The box also contains Codex Supplement: Dark Angels, a 96-page book containing the rules and background for the Dark Angels, and featuring a unique cover. You also get 20 datasheet cards covering every unit in the Codex Supplement and two transfer sheets with over 200 transfers each.*"- Warhammer Community
As you can see, the amazing new Terminator sculpts come accompanied with some rich Dark Angels livery. It is an amazing addition to 10th edition, but let's dive a little bit into the lore of the Dark Angels.
The Dark Angels were one of the original twenty Space Marine Legions created by the Emperor of Mankind during the Great Crusade to reunite the scattered human colonies across the galaxy. The Dark Angels were led by their Primarch, Lion El'Jonson. During the Horus Heresy, a galaxy-spanning civil war that nearly tore the Imperium apart, the Dark Angels played a pivotal role. However, the Dark Angels and their Primarch became embroiled in a mysterious event known as the "Lion's Night," which has left a lasting impact on the chapter's history.
The Dark Angels are known for their secretive and enigmatic nature, and they harbor a dark secret. Some of their own brethren, known as the Fallen, turned against the Imperium during the Horus Heresy and have been hunted by the Dark Angels ever since. The chapter is obsessed with bringing these renegades to justice and purging the shame of their betrayal.
The Dark Angels and their successor chapters, collectively referred to as the Unforgiven, share this obsession with hunting the Fallen. They keep their pursuit of the Fallen a closely guarded secret from the rest of the Imperium, going to great lengths to conceal their own murky history.
Like other Space Marine Chapters, the Dark Angels follow the Codex Astartes, a set of guidelines and rules for the organization and tactics of Space Marine forces. However, they maintain the Inner Circle, a group within the chapter that is privy to the deepest and darkest secrets of the Dark Angels, including the truth about the Fallen.
The Dark Angels organize their forces into specialized formations known as the Ravenwing and the Deathwing. The Ravenwing consists of fast-moving and highly mobile units, often mounted on bikes or speeders. The Deathwing, on the other hand, consists of the chapter's Terminator-armored veterans.
The Dark Angels' fortress-monastery is called "The Rock," a massive mobile space fortress that was once the flagship of their Primarch, Lion El'Jonson. The Rock serves as their primary base of operations and is known for being highly mobile and nearly impregnable.
The Dark Angels are characterized by their brooding nature, mysterious history, and the constant pursuit of redemption for their past sins.
They are an amazing chapter within the Space Marine lore (literally and figuratively). Hope you enjoyed this look, and come by Wandering Adventures to talk more!