Anatomy of a Blood Bowl team

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Anatomy of a Blood Bowl team

Hey fans,

Today I wanted to show off the Blood Bowl team I am working on in anticipation of the Blood Bowl season we are running here in March at Wandering Adventures.


I chose to go with Nurgle because I've always wanted to paint some blue Nurgle skin, but never had the desire to paint up a whole army. This Blood Bowl team was the perfect excuse to just dip my toes in and get the scheme out of my system.


I wanted to base my team colors and theme off a real sports team. My favorite team is the St. Louis Blues, but I didn't feel like the blue/ yellow/ white would play well with the skin tones I wanted to go with. So I went and looked at NFL teams, and landed on the Baltimore Ravens. I think the deep purples and gold/ bronze trim would work perfectly with the skin tones I was aiming for.

Thus, the Blightmoor Ravens were born.


The Team So Far

As you can see, I'm not quite done but I have a lot of the colors put in so far. I'm pretty pleased with the skin, but I will likely glaze in some greens to add a little Nurgleliness to the whole idea. I still have to paint up the armor plates and add a lot of the skin details, but so far so good.

I did have some grand plans for the bases, but opted to go a little simpler with them to let the models do the talking. I do like how Nurgle-y they are, but I certainly could have been a little cleaner with the green pox and how it creeps on the bases.


I love the whole theme and inducements you can add to Blood Bowl. I also did up a coach Nurgling, inspired by Tom Landry. A few cheerleaders were added as well, even though I technically haven't purchased them in game. I even had a Fabius Bile ready to go as an apothecary, until I realized Nurgle teams can't hire them...



That's it for now!

The season starts in a few weeks, and if you were thinking of joining you can get more details HERE



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