Blood Bowl: Thunderstrike Season 3
The halls echo with the sound of victory, for last season, the mighty Dwarves claimed their rightful place atop the Blood Bowl standings. With iron resolve, unyielding defense, and beards bristling with triumph, they proved that grit and good ale forge champions!
But now, the new season looms like an uncut gem, waiting to be shaped by blood, sweat, and bone-crunching tackles. Will the stout-hearted Dwarves defend their title? Or will another challenger rise from the muck to take the crown?
The time has come once more to gather your team, sharpen your axes (or claws, or teeth), and step onto the pitch!
Season Details
Season Start: April 14th
Entry: $40.00 (can be purchased online or in-store)
Registry cutoff is April 10th
Register your team at: Search for “Thunderstrike 3”
Team registration can begin April 10th.
All players will be required to join our Discord channel.
To book your games at the store from our 3 available tables use this link:
Prizing |
Season Winner |
Special Ordered BB Dice |
Playoff Winner |
Name added to trophy, Special Ordered BB Dice, Team Box |
Best Painted (voted by community) |
Paint and Brush Pack |
Last Place |
Name added to Wooden Spoon trophy |
**Round Structure:**
- Each coach will play two games per round.
- Each round lasts approximately one month, giving you ample time to schedule and play your matches.
**Round Dates:**
**Round 1:** April 14th- May 11th
**Round 2:** May 12th- June 8th
**Round 3:** June 9th – July 6th
Top 8 Playoffs: July 12th
- The top 8 teams based on performance during the season will advance to the finals.
- Finals will be a single-elimination tournament to crown the season champion.
Key Points
- Number of Games: Each coach is expected to play a total of 6 games throughout the season (2 games per round). If there is an uneven number of players or a bye in any round, those games will be made up at the end of the season to ensure everyone has played their full six games before the playoffs.
- Tourplay Requirement: We will be using Tourplay, a software that must be available during your matches. This tool is essential for accurately reporting everything that happens in each game. Make sure to have Tourplay ready and accessible during all of your matches to keep the league running smoothly.
- You can roll over a team from a previous season, or start a new one
- Store Support: The store will have one copy of the pitch and tokens available for use. If anyone would like to donate additional resources for the season, please reach out.
Additional Gold Prizing:
Buy and paint a Bias Ref - 10k Gold
Paint and base a team fully - 20k gold (3 colour min)
Buy a 3D Printed Coach (painted/based): 5000 gold
Buy a 3D Printed Cheerleaders (3) painted/based: 5000 gold
Buy a 3D Printed Inducement Models (painted/based): 5000 gold
Buy 3 Paints for you team: 5000 gold
Referral: Refer a friend to join our league and if they buy a new Blood Bowl team get $10 off your entry fee
New Mechanics for Season 3:
Teams can attempt to find a Sponsor at the beginning of Step 4 of the post-game sequence, before any players or Sideline Staff are hired or fired. If you wish to seek a Sponsor for your team, roll a D16, then add the team's Dedicated Fans characteristic and any of the following modifiers that apply:
- +3 if the team won the game.
- +1 for each touchdown the team scored.
- +1 for each player on the opposing team that suffered a roll on the Casualty table (however this was caused).
- +2 if the game was played during the Play-off season.
If the result is 20 or more, your team can accept either a One-time Sponsorship or an Ongoing Sponsorship.
The team lends its image to a well-known brand, appearing in some Cabalvision ads or making personal appearances at high-profile product launches, in exchange for a one-off payment. All the players have to do is behave themselves. Easy, right?
The team receives D6 x 10,000 gold pieces, which are immediately added to its Treasury. Then, roll a D6:
- On the roll of a 1, one randomly selected, permanently hired player gets a little carried away with the free drinks at a public appearance and has to spend some time recovering. The selected player must miss the next game, exactly as if they had suffered a 7-9, Seriously Hurt result on the Casualty table. If the selected player is already missing the next game, randomly select another.
- On the roll of 2+, the players are well-behaved and no one overindulges.
The team becomes official ambassadors for the brand, receiving a sum of gold each time they make a public appearance. Of course, this burdens the team with all sorts of new responsibilities and is even riskier than a One-time Sponsorship deal.
If a team takes an Ongoing Sponsorship, make a note of this on their roster. During Step 1 of the post-game sequence of every future game, when recording the team's winnings, a team that has an Ongoing Sponsor gains an additional D3 x 10,000 gold pieces in addition to their winnings. Then roll a D6:
- On the roll of a 1, one randomly selected player from your team has upset the Sponsors somehow and has received a visit from a pair of 'brand ambassadors'. The selected player must miss the next game, exactly as if they had suffered a 7-9, Seriously Hurt result on the Casualty table. If the selected player is already missing the next game, this roll has no further effect.
- On the roll of 2+, the players are well-behaved and no one upsets the Sponsors.
Teams can have any number of Ongoing Sponsorships however, the roll to see whether the Sponsors are happy must be made for each one!
Immediately after rolling to see whether the Sponsors are happy or not, you can choose to end any Ongoing Sponsorships, deleting them from the team's roster.
From here on out, every time a team wins a championship, we will add an appropriate weather table for the winning team. In case of multiple championships, a random table will be added.
These are the 3 tables included this season, which will randomly be selected and rolled on:
2D6 |
2 |
Morning Dew: The pitch is dew-covered from the cold of night, making everything a little slippery. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to pick up the ball. |
3 |
Blossoming Flowers : The flowers are blooming, the tree sap is pumping and the pollen count is high, forcing the hay fever-affliccted referee to seek shelter indoors. Whilst this weather condition is in effect, players cannot be Sent-off for committing a Foul, even if they roll a natural double on either the Armour roll or the Injury roll. |
4‑10 |
Perfect Conditions (well, almost): It's not quite warm but then again, it's not quite cold ideal weather for a game of Blood Bowl! |
11 |
Misty Morning: A haze of thick mist has descended upon the pitch, greatly reducing visibility. Players can move only a maximum of six squares, although they may still Rush as normal. Additionally, only Quick and Short pass actions can be performed. |
12 |
High Winds: The winds are whistling through the stadium and the players can barely hear each other. Roll a D6 each time a player on your team wishes to use a team re-roll. On a roll of 2+, you may use a team re-roll as normal. On a 1, a team re-roll cannot be used. |
2D6 |
2 |
Bubbling up from Below: The players are aghast as viscous liquid begins to seep up from below. Whether this is a natural phenomenon, the result of sabotage or a dire warning that stadia have no place being built above sewage pipes, it's definitely not pleasant. All players on the pitch subtract 1 from their MA. |
3 |
Gloomy: The torches are in need of replacing, and the shadows are growing long. All Long pass and Long bomb Pass actions suffer an additional -1 modifier. Additionally, when a player attempts to Rush for a second or subsequent time during their activation, apply an additional -1 modifier. |
4‑10 |
Perfect Conditions (well, almost): The light of the sun might be missing, but the conditions are almost perfect for Blood Bowl. |
11 |
Thermal Geysers: Vapour begins to whistle up from cracks in the ground, followed by forceful gouts of roiling steam. If a player on your team Falls Over or is Knocked Down, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, they crack open a thermal geyser. That player is immediately catapulted through the air. Immediately treat that player as being thrown (as if they had the Right Stuff trait) by another player (with the Throw Team-mate trait), and treat the quality of the throw as terrible. |
12 |
Seismic Activity: "Uh oh was that a tremor?" Roll a D6 at the end of each team turn, adding 1 to the result for each player on the pitch with a Strength of 5 or more. On a roll of 6+, rocks tumble down from up above. Both coaches roll off. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects one of their players from among those on the pitch. That player is struck by a falling rock and Knocked Down. If the roll-off results in a tie, do not roll again. Instead, both coaches must randomly select a player to be struck by a falling rock. |
What Players Need To Bring
- Current Team Roster
- Rulebook and any Reference Materials covering the rules for their Team (newer Teams are covered in copies of "Spike Magazine" or one of the compilations/Almanacs)
- Team (each position should be properly represented by models that are easily identifiable)
- Dice
- Tokens or models to represent Stunned, Prone, Re-rolls, Etc...(some of these may simply be noted on the Roster)
- Pitch
- Dugout
- Templates
- Dice tower/cup/tray
- Notebook and Pen
- Rules clarification resource
Tourplay is the tournament software that we will be running our league through. It will manage our scheduling, manage rosters and scoring, and give players a system to record all results before, during and after games.
Once you have paid your entry fee, you can join the season
Code of Conduct
While the pitch may witness fierce rivalries, Thunderstrike Hold upholds the highest standards of sportsmanship. Coaches are expected to compete with honor, respect, and a spirit befitting the noble tradition of Blood Bowl.
Prepare your teams and strategies, and may the best coaches rise to the top!
7766 Martin Grove Road, Unit 5
Woodbridge, Ont
L4L 2C7