Experience the excitement of fighting the monstrous minis from Helios’ Monthly Mythic Boxes.
One experienced DM will be running two of Helios' Mythic encounters, which are packed with menacing bosses & monsters, both with custom unique stat blocks, encounter storytelling and a battlemap - all designed to make prepping your next encounter quick and easy!
When: April 12th from 12pm - 3pm
Where: Wandering Adventures
7766 Martin Grove Road, Unit 5
Woodbridge, Ont
L4L 2C7
Fee: None
What you get:
- 1 tables, running 3 different encounters at a variety of level ranges (approximately 1h long each)
- D&D 5e 2024 rules
- Level 4, 8 and 12 characters
- Pre-generated character sheets + mystery player characters provided